Herb Meaning in bengali


Synonyms of Herb :-

Hypernyms of Herb :-

Hyponyms of Herb :-

  1. Hyoscyamus muticus
  2. Stachys sylvatica
  3. Common unicorn plant
  4. Scentless mayweed
  5. Guinea pepper
  6. Breakstone
  7. Devil's claw
  8. Calamint
  9. Tanacetum parthenium
  10. Marsh felwort
  11. Glasswort
  12. Polemonium
  13. Catmint
  14. Viola
  15. Dalmatia pyrethrum
  16. Touch-me-not
  17. Astilbe
  18. Alumroot
  19. Indian arrowroot
  20. Myosotis scorpiodes
  21. False foxglove
  22. Costusroot
  23. Galega officinalis
  24. Martynia arenaria
  25. Guinea grains
  26. Asparagus
  27. Gum plant
  28. Globe flower
  29. Bloodwort
  30. Bishop's cap
  31. Scorzonera hispanica
  32. Agrimony
  33. Atropa belladonna
  34. Hedge mustard
  35. Wasabi
  36. Eupatorium purpureum
  37. Dagga
  38. False gromwell
  39. Perilla frutescens crispa
  40. Eupatorium cannabinum
  41. Parsley
  42. Camphor dune tansy
  43. Old maid
  44. Rosmarinus officinalis
  45. Homogyne alpina
  46. Butterbur
  47. Blue pimpernel
  48. Stone root
  49. Leguminous plant
  50. Parsnip
  51. Emmanthe penduliflora
  52. Redroot
  53. False saffron
  54. Aureolaria virginica
  55. Baby blue-eyes
  56. Galeopsis tetrahit
  57. Spiderwort
  58. Virginia cowslip
  59. Podophyllum peltatum
  60. Halogeton
  61. Tobacco plant
  62. Basil thyme
  63. Edible asparagus
  64. Hyssop
  65. Matricaria oreades
  66. Tickweed
  67. Flame-flower
  68. Mercurialis annua
  69. Umbellifer
  70. False nettle
  71. Sisymbrium tanacetifolia
  72. Emilia flammea
  73. Goat rue
  74. Leonotis leonurus
  75. Polanisia graveolens
  76. Black henbane
  77. Ballota nigra
  78. Cichorium intybus
  79. Ayapana triplinervis
  80. Evening primrose
  81. Wandflower
  82. Elsholtzia
  83. Armoracia rusticana
  84. American pennyroyal
  85. Red fox
  86. Eranthis hyemalis
  87. Sang
  88. Teasle
  89. Cleome
  90. Fumeroot
  91. Kangaroo-foot plant
  92. Sanfoin
  93. Sanicle
  94. Yellow root
  95. Tacca leontopetaloides
  96. Serratula tinctoria
  97. Senecio aureus
  98. Boneset
  99. Stoneroot
  100. Monarda
  101. Henbane
  102. Madagascar periwinkle
  103. Tussilago alpina
  104. Common devil's claw
  105. Ram's horn
  106. Prickle-weed
  107. Petroselinum crispum
  108. Sedum
  109. Eupatorium rugosum
  110. American gentian
  111. Proboscis flower
  112. Indian rhubarb
  113. Banana tree
  114. Cilantro
  115. Cumin
  116. Rattlesnake root
  117. Panax ginseng
  118. Pastinaca sativa
  119. Cynoglossum virginaticum
  120. Red dagga
  121. Alpine coltsfoot
  122. Giant hyssop
  123. Pennyroyal
  124. Tanacetum camphoratum
  125. Matricaria recutita
  126. Drypis
  127. Chamomile
  128. Carthamus tinctorius
  129. Climbing onion
  130. Sawwort
  131. Camomile
  132. Eupatorium perfoliatum
  133. Husk tomato
  134. Root celery
  135. Water horehound
  136. Silkweed
  137. White snakeroot
  138. Pteropogon
  139. Darmera peltata
  140. Wild celery
  141. Tarweed
  142. Mountain mint
  143. Petasites vulgaris
  144. Trefoil
  145. Puccoon
  146. Ladies' tobacco
  147. Golden thread
  148. Honesty
  149. Coreopsis
  150. Matricaria matricarioides
  151. Dictamnus alba
  152. Richweed
  153. Globeflower
  154. Sanvitalia procumbens
  155. Dwarf nipplewort
  156. Celosia argentea cristata
  157. Feverroot
  158. Pellitory-of-the-wall
  159. Raoulia australis
  160. Astrantia
  161. Musa ensete
  162. Clammy chickweed
  163. Butterweed
  164. Borago officinalis
  165. Milk thistle
  166. Triostium perfoliatum
  167. Spotted Joe-Pye weed
  168. Plumbago
  169. Martynia
  170. Mercurialis perennis
  171. Umbrella plant
  172. Blueweed
  173. Pia
  174. Nepeta cataria
  175. Wall pellitory
  176. Rockfoil
  177. White thistle
  178. Krigia
  179. American licorice
  180. Lunaria annua
  181. Asparagus fern
  182. White rocket
  183. Basil
  184. Bush pea
  185. Asclepiad
  186. Knob celery
  187. Dittany
  188. Buckwheat
  189. Dragonhead
  190. Ginger
  191. Shamrock pea
  192. Witloof
  193. Garden egg
  194. Whispering bells
  195. Salad burnet
  196. Caraway
  197. Cacalia javanica
  198. Medic
  199. Sorrel
  200. Scentless hayweed
  201. Esparcet
  202. Stone-root
  203. Liquorice
  204. Leonurus cardiaca
  205. Cumfrey
  206. Fringepod
  207. Hedeoma pulegioides
  208. Sweet unicorn plant
  209. Teasel
  210. Catharanthus roseus
  211. Apium graveolens
  212. Swertia perennia
  213. Goldcup
  214. Achillea
  215. Legume
  216. Pineapple
  217. Garden rocket
  218. Bells of Ireland
  219. Bloodroot
  220. Okra plant
  221. Saussurea lappa
  222. Asparagus plumosus
  223. Garden forget-me-not
  224. Chamois cress
  225. Lacepod
  226. Tickseed
  227. Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
  228. Bird's foot trefoil
  229. Melissa officinalis
  230. Dock
  231. Aureolaria pedicularia
  232. Chicory
  233. Galax urceolata
  234. Hydrastis canadensis
  235. New Zealand spinach
  236. Blessed thistle
  237. Cat's feet
  238. Coolwart
  239. Raoulia lutescens
  240. Eupatorium maculatum
  241. Pasturage
  242. Prunella vulgaris
  243. Pussytoes
  244. Hyssopus officinalis
  245. Devil's fig
  246. Trigonella foenumgraecum
  247. Lithospermum caroliniense
  248. Dicentra spectabilis
  249. Prenanthes purpurea
  250. Descurainia pinnata
  251. Cruciferous plant
  252. Gerardia virginica
  253. Celery
  254. Horse parsley
  255. Spurge nettle
  256. Pipsissewa
  257. Sisymbrium officinale
  258. Willowherb
  259. Gas plant
  260. Yerba buena
  261. Coltsfoot
  262. Sand devil's claw
  263. Petasites sagitattus
  264. Lyre-flower
  265. Bog rhubarb
  266. Corn salad
  267. Goldthread
  268. Laccopetalum giganteum
  269. Bellflower
  270. Day lily
  271. Mouse-ear chickweed
  272. Fetid horehound
  273. Aroid
  274. Horehound
  275. Poterium sanguisorba
  276. Onobrychis viciaefolia
  277. Bedstraw
  278. Salpiglossis
  279. White sanicle
  280. Rue
  281. Black horehound
  282. Elettaria cardamomum
  283. Bugleweed
  284. German chamomile
  285. Elephant's-foot
  286. Sneezeweed
  287. Turmeric root
  288. Primrose
  289. Lycopus europaeus
  290. Coriandrum sativum
  291. Hyoscyamus niger
  292. Mandrake
  293. Arum
  294. Deer's-ear
  295. Mad-dog skullcap
  296. Our Lady's mild thistle
  297. Glycyrrhiza lepidota
  298. Anethum graveolens
  299. Squirrel corn
  300. Tick-weed
  301. Rocket salad
  302. Aspidistra elatio
  303. Lithospermum officinale
  304. Flameflower
  305. Indian breadroot
  306. Tragopogon porrifolius
  307. Heal all
  308. Aubergine
  309. Cichorium endivia
  310. Beetleweed
  311. Pyramid plant
  312. Lycopus virginicus
  313. Safflower
  314. Impatiens capensis
  315. Pholistoma auritum
  316. Apium graveolens dulce
  317. Stonecress
  318. Haastia pulvinaris
  319. Devil's apples
  320. Onobrychis viciifolia
  321. Polygonum fagopyrum
  322. Matricaria inodorum
  323. Anthemis nobilis
  324. Lamb succory
  325. Umbelliferous plant
  326. Sea kale
  327. Angelique
  328. Panax schinseng
  329. Proboscidea arenaria
  330. Cultivated carrot
  331. Turmeric
  332. Medick
  333. Tetragonia tetragonioides
  334. Goosefoot
  335. Mad apple
  336. Agrimonia
  337. Kangaroo paw
  338. Balsam herb
  339. Turnip-rooted celery
  340. Burnet bloodwort
  341. Halogeton souda
  342. Blue skullcap
  343. Ruta graveolens
  344. Wood mint
  345. Lady's-finger
  346. Dead nettle
  347. American columbo
  348. Silver dollar
  349. Rayless chamomile
  350. Arugula
  351. Ethiopian banana
  352. Micromeria juliana
  353. Peperomia
  354. Nemophila aurita
  355. Wild chervil
  356. Hoary puccoon
  357. Nemophila menziesii
  358. Button snakeroot
  359. Lady's tobacco
  360. Bar-room plant
  361. Pritzelago alpina
  362. Belladonna
  363. Carnivorous plant
  364. Bishop's hat
  365. Ginseng
  366. Purple boneset
  367. Black lovage
  368. Glaux maritima
  369. Leonotis nepetifolia
  370. Reseda
  371. Galax
  372. Breadroot
  373. Vegetable oyster
  374. Scutellaria lateriflora
  375. Periwinkle
  376. Coriander
  377. Samphire
  378. Petasites fragrans
  379. Holy clover
  380. Black salsify
  381. Satureja douglasii
  382. Strawberry
  383. Origanum
  384. Egyptian henbane
  385. Moon carrot
  386. Tolmiea menziesii
  387. Pineapple weed
  388. Bugle
  389. Skullcap
  390. False miterwort
  391. Elephant-tusk
  392. Tripleurospermum oreades tchihatchewii
  393. Mouse eared chickweed
  394. Sea-rocket
  395. Simple
  396. Satinpod
  397. Bee balm
  398. Hibiscus esculentus
  399. Shoo fly
  400. Pellitory-of-Spain
  401. Belladonna plant
  402. Banana
  403. Fraxinella
  404. Lobelia
  405. Cow parsley
  406. Abyssinian banana
  407. Mad-dog weed
  408. Clover
  409. Moneses uniflora
  410. Herb mercury
  411. Fleabane
  412. Horseweed
  413. Melagueta pepper
  414. Antennaria dioica
  415. Waterleaf
  416. Trumpet weed
  417. Wild chamomile
  418. Cow parsnip
  419. Wild bergamot
  420. Tripleurospermum tchihatchewii
  421. Maranta
  422. Bog hemp
  423. Beebalm
  424. Golden groundsel
  425. Lion's-ear
  426. Savory
  427. Stone parsley
  428. Mustang mint
  429. Corn mayweed
  430. Levisticum officinale
  431. Ground cherry
  432. Illecebrum verticullatum
  433. False rue anemone
  434. Hemp agrimony
  435. Mertensia virginica
  436. Aspidistra
  437. Diplotaxis muralis
  438. Cat's foot
  439. Flame nettle
  440. Red periwinkle
  441. Glycyrrhiza glabra
  442. Sanguinaria canadensis
  443. Butter-flower
  444. Physostegia
  445. American liquorice
  446. Catnip
  447. Anthriscus sylvestris
  448. Pyrola
  449. Phlox
  450. Wild vanilla
  451. Virginia bluebell
  452. Prickly poppy
  453. Stapelia
  454. Grains of paradise
  455. Satin flower
  456. Buttercup
  457. Trilisa odoratissima
  458. Smyrnium olusatrum
  459. Deadly nightshade
  460. Lady's earrings
  461. Geranium
  462. Canna
  463. Brinjal
  464. Plantain lily
  465. Loasa
  466. Foamflower
  467. Gumbo
  468. Curcuma domestica
  469. Coptis trifolia groenlandica
  470. Hedge nettle
  471. Polanisia dodecandra
  472. Tetterwort
  473. Goldenseal
  474. Agueweed
  475. Celandine
  476. Love apple
  477. Cakile maritima
  478. Wintergreen
  479. Crambe maritima
  480. Gall of the earth
  481. Leopard plant
  482. Liverleaf
  483. Barilla
  484. Tomato
  485. Mandragora officinarum
  486. Mint
  487. Micromeria chamissonis
  488. Feabane mullet
  489. Swertia speciosa
  490. Panax quinquefolius
  491. Tansy-leaved rocket
  492. Jatropha stimulosus
  493. Sea cole
  494. Chrysanthemum balsamita
  495. Emilia javanica
  496. Eryngium aquaticum
  497. Fenugreek
  498. False bugbane
  499. Martynia fragrans
  500. Amaranth
  501. Thoroughwort
  502. Thorny amaranth
  503. Nabalus serpentarius
  504. Satureja acinos
  505. Argemone
  506. Cacalia lutea
  507. Fennel
  508. One-flowered pyrola
  509. Stinking nightshade
  510. Celery root
  511. Gramineous plant
  512. Asparagus officinales
  513. Strelitzia reginae
  514. Endive
  515. Leopard's-bane
  516. Celeriac
  517. Dandelion
  518. Rock purslane
  519. False rue
  520. Vegetable sheep
  521. Pomme blanche
  522. Basil balm
  523. Borage
  524. Inula
  525. Crucifer
  526. Draba
  527. Anise
  528. Red cole
  529. Balsamroot
  530. Goat's rue
  531. Wild mandrake
  532. Herb of grace
  533. Stone cress
  534. Rosemary
  535. Curcuma longa
  536. Hepatica
  537. Pyrola uniflora
  538. Cape dagga
  539. Celosia cristata
  540. Alexander
  541. Anise plant
  542. Heart-leaf
  543. Woad
  544. Dragon's head
  545. Golden ragwort
  546. Starfish flower
  547. Holy thistle
  548. Indian plantain
  549. Kniphofia
  550. Mint geranium
  551. Desmanthus ilinoensis
  552. Dayflower
  553. Packera aurea
  554. Flame flower
  555. Herbs mercury
  556. Alexanders
  557. Fumaria officinalis
  558. Dill
  559. Sainfoin
  560. Satureja vulgaris
  561. Kangaroo's paw
  562. Hogweed
  563. Antennaria plantaginifolia
  564. Winter aconite
  565. Mitrewort
  566. Cassia marilandica
  567. Coriander plant
  568. Australian pitcher plant
  569. Dicentra cucullaria
  570. Rattlebox
  571. Stinking horehound
  572. Herb Paris
  573. Hawkweed
  574. Alecost
  575. Ironweed
  576. Prince's pine
  577. Cottonweed
  578. Yerba mansa
  579. Flannel leaf
  580. Frasera speciosa
  581. Blue thistle
  582. Digitalis
  583. Butterflower
  584. Hemp nettle
  585. Sweet false chamomile
  586. Milkweed
  587. Purslane
  588. Okra
  589. Crowfoot
  590. Acanthus
  591. Peltiphyllum peltatum
  592. Ayapana
  593. Nierembergia
  594. Gesneria
  595. Lycopersicon esculentum
  596. Amsinckia grandiflora
  597. Lemon balm
  598. Diplotaxis erucoides
  599. May apple
  600. Saussurea costus
  601. Solanum melongena
  602. Tassel flower
  603. Tripleurospermum inodorum
  604. Rose periwinkle
  605. Gypsywort
  606. Gipsywort
  607. Oyster plant
  608. Sea milkwort
  609. Primula
  610. Tomato plant
  611. Bird of paradise
  612. Globe thistle
  613. Salicornia europaea
  614. Dog fennel
  615. Cayenne jasmine
  616. Roquette
  617. Giant buttercup
  618. Orach
  619. Cardamom
  620. Asparagus pea
  621. Cardamon
  622. Devil nettle
  623. Plantain
  624. Tinker's root
  625. Gromwell
  626. Panax pseudoginseng
  627. Hound's-tongue
  628. Salsify
  629. Dog mercury
  630. Tritoma
  631. Herbage
  632. Wild coffee
  633. Stevia
  634. Nicandra physaloides
  635. Saxifrage
  636. Pokeweed
  637. Tanacetum cinerariifolium
  638. Leopardbane
  639. Anigozanthus manglesii
  640. Fagopyrum esculentum
  641. Asparagus setaceous
  642. Isopyrum biternatum
  643. Succory
  644. Creeping zinnia
  645. Spiderflower
  646. Prenanthes serpentaria
  647. Blowball
  648. Chrysanthemum parthenium
  649. Collinsonia canadensis
  650. Lotus tetragonolobus
  651. Indian paint
  652. Pimpernel
  653. Heracleum sphondylium
  654. Amaranthus spinosus
  655. Pellitory
  656. Orange balsam
  657. Pulicaria dysenterica
  658. Mullein
  659. Tailwort
  660. Cast-iron plant
  661. Carrion flower
  662. Acinos arvensis
  663. Micromeria douglasii
  664. Aframomum melegueta
  665. Benny
  666. Silybum marianum
  667. Campanula
  668. One-flowered wintergreen
  669. Rocket
  670. Cephalotus follicularis
  671. Eggplant bush
  672. Benni
  673. Rosinweed
  674. Benne
  675. Caryophyllaceous plant
  676. Chinese forget-me-not
  677. Andryala
  678. Nin-sin
  679. Myosotis sylvatica
  680. Angelica
  681. Horseradish
  682. Boys-and-girls
  683. Bowiea volubilis
  684. Nasturtium
  685. Jatropha urens
  686. Sesamum indicum
  687. Wild liquorice
  688. Diplotaxis tenuifolia
  689. Crotalaria
  690. Sison amomum
  691. Matricaria chamomilla
  692. Miterwort
  693. Turfing daisy
  694. Forget-me-not
  695. Mother of thyme
  696. Cultivated celery
  697. Stickweed
  698. Martynia annua
  699. Fiesta flower
  700. Stachys palustris
  701. Proboscidea louisianica
  702. Tetragonia expansa
  703. Scopolia carniolica
  704. Sweet coltsfoot
  705. Amsinckia intermedia
  706. Thyme
  707. Clammyweed
  708. Lovage
  709. Scentless camomile
  710. Winged pea
  711. Bergenia
  712. Cape periwinkle
  713. Leonotis nepetaefolia
  714. Galaxy
  715. Alumbloom
  716. Piggyback plant
  717. Anchusa
  718. American ginseng
  719. Lady's thistle
  720. Pineapple plant
  721. Sweet balm
  722. Tread-softly
  723. Wall rocket
  724. Winter heliotrope
  725. Epimedium grandiflorum
  726. Dog's mercury
  727. False mitrewort
  728. Sheep plant
  729. Large-flowered fiddleneck
  730. Lyreflower
  731. Youth-on-age
  732. Psoralea esculenta
  733. Chaenactis
  734. Pica-pica
  735. Trigonella ornithopodioides
  736. Dracocephalum parviflorum
  737. Halogeton glomeratus
  738. Trautvetteria carolinensis
  739. Chickweed
  740. Costmary
  741. Burning bush
  742. Pimpinella anisum
  743. Tobacco
  744. Parietaria difussa
  745. Horse radish
  746. Abelmoschus esculentus
  747. Kangaroo's-foot
  748. Bleeding heart
  749. Rhubarb
  750. Blue devil
  751. Joe-Pye weed
  752. Salvia
  753. Emilia sagitta
  754. Viper's bugloss
  755. Deer's-ears
  756. Ananas comosus
  757. Arnoseris minima
  758. Cushion calamint
  759. Foxglove
  760. Monardella lanceolata
  761. Molucca balm
  762. Tiarella cordifolia
  763. Vegetable
  764. Lithospermum canescens
  765. Beaked parsley
  766. Anacyclus pyrethrum
  767. Cynoglossum officinale
  768. Sweet cicely
  769. Marsh milkweed
  770. Wild ginger
  771. Orache
  772. Kingcup
  773. Loosestrife
  774. Suksdorfia
  775. Matricaria tchihatchewii
  776. Paris quadrifolia
  777. Greek clover
  778. Velvet plant
  779. Masterwort
  780. Fumewort
  781. Gerardia pedicularia
  782. Eupatorium capillifolium
  783. Bur reed
  784. Columbo
  785. Chamaemelum nobilis
  786. Cnidoscolus urens
  787. Daucus carota sativa
  788. Myrrhis odorata
  789. Motherwort
  790. Hoary alyssum
  791. Jewelweed
  792. Pomme de prairie
  793. Black saltwort
  794. Wood sorrel
  795. Arnica
  796. Lion's foot
  797. Parochetus communis
  798. Horse gentian
  799. Apium graveolens rapaceum
  800. Cynoglossum amabile
  801. Senna marilandica
  802. Horse balm
  803. Eggplant
  804. Comfrey
  805. Coptis groenlandica
  806. Chinese parsley
  807. Gumweed
  808. Earthnut
  809. Lettuce
  810. Wort
  811. Wild basil
  812. Snakeroot
  813. Berteroa incana
  814. Dutchman's breeches
  815. Mayapple
  816. Tanacetum balsamita
  817. Feverfew
  818. Wilde dagga
  819. Teazel
  820. California yellow bells
  821. Green gentian
  822. Chervil
  823. Tacca pinnatifida
  824. Money plant
  825. Eruca sativa
  826. Eupatorium aya-pana
  827. Flax
  828. Prairie mimosa
  829. Common amsinckia
  830. Eruca vesicaria sativa
  831. Cupflower
  832. Heartleaf
  833. Australian sword lily
  834. Sour grass
  835. Ageratina altissima
  836. Indian lettuce
  837. Ensete ventricosum
  838. Black archangel
  839. Bladderpod
  840. Emilia coccinea
  841. Vinca rosea
  842. Anthriscus cereifolium
  843. Anthyllis vulneraria
  844. Dicentra canadensis
  845. Graminaceous plant
  846. Wild senna
  847. Coleus
  848. Mouse ear
  849. Tussilago farfara
  850. Golden seal
  851. Vernonia
  852. Pickaback plant
  853. Petasites hybridus
  854. Conopodium denudatum
  855. Rhubarb plant
  856. Celosia argentea
  857. Bible leaf
  858. Sage
  859. Cockscomb
  860. Dalmatian pyrethrum
  861. Pteropogon humboltianum
  862. Chicory plant
  863. Nemophila
  864. Self-heal
  865. Licorice
  866. Apple of peru
  867. Hoary alison
  868. Wild licorice
  869. Barrenwort
  870. Viper's grass
  871. Proboscidea fragrans
  872. Sesame
  873. Echium vulgare
  874. Clinopodium vulgare
  875. Lycopus americanus
  876. Fumitory
  877. Yellow bells
  878. Pyrethrum
  879. Garden balm
  880. Lepidium alpina
  881. Oxalis
  882. Common cockscomb
  883. Kidney vetch
  884. Scorzonera
  885. Scentless false camomile
  886. Carum carvi
  887. Anemopsis californica
  888. Helmetflower
  889. Asarum shuttleworthii
  890. Sea trifoly
  891. Hugueninia tanacetifolia
  892. Cuminum cyminum
  893. Molucella laevis
  894. Beefsteak plant
  895. Tansy mustard
  896. Coral necklace
  897. Carrot

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English to hindi Dictionary: herb

Meaning and definitions of herb, translation in hindi language for herb with similar and opposite words presented by www.tezpatrika.com

About English Hindi Dictionary

Tezpatrika.com, Hindi English Dictionary will assist you to know the meaning of words from English to Hindi alphabets. Usage of a dictionary will help you to check the translation in Hindi, synonyms, antonyms and similar words which will help in bringing up the vocabulary.

About English Language

One of the widely spoken languages across the globe is English. Especially English language becomes common and connects people across the globe with each other. English is the 2nd Language learned by most of the people.

About Hindi Language

Hindi languages is one of the oldest language which has roots laid back in around 10th Century AD. One of the Official Language of India is Hindi. It is widely spoken by 10 million people living North Indian States like Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Parts of Rajasthan. This English to Hindi Dictionary helps you to improve your Hindi as well as English.

04 Jul

Essay writing made easy: Tips and tricks for English language students

Writing essays in English is both very easy and very difficult. It’s difficult if you don’t know how to do it. And it’s easy if you do. In this post, let’s take a look at some essay-writing tips that you can follow if you are an English language student. Mind you, most of the stuff you can follow, even if you want to write in other languages. Let’s get straight into it. Essay writing tips: What you need to do The essay-writing process is typically divided into different parts and phases. For one, there is the research phase, the writing phase, and the checking phase. We’ll talk about some tips that you can follow during research, the actual writing, and so on. 1. Pick the right sources for your research The first step in the process is research. And incidentally, it is also the most important. If you take proper care during the research, you can improve the overall quality of your essay. Of the many things that you have to do for good research, the first thing is to find the right sources for it. The broad criterion that you can set to find “good” sources is to look for the ones that are generally hailed as reliable and authoritative. Think of places like the New York Times website or Forbes. Since we’re talking about writing essays, however, some sources that you can consider using are as follows: 1. Google Scholar – a good place to find academic papers on various topics 2. ResearchGate – pretty much performs the same function as G Scholar 3. JSTOR – same thing once again And so on. Depending on the type of essay you’re writing and the institution you’re associated with, there may be some additional instructions and guidelines that you may have to follow about the research sources. Some institutes may have certain restrictions in place about some research sources, such as Wikipedia, etc. If there are any such restrictions in place, you should take them into consideration before deciding on the sources. 2. Don’t copy-paste from the sources …because that’s plagiarism. Plagiarism is something akin to a disease in academics. Its presence in your essay will only warrant the rejection of the latter. You should never copy-paste anything directly from your research sources, even if it happens to be a single line or sentence. Rather, when taking information from a source, here is what your routine should be. 1. First, you should open multiple sources at a time so that your tone, tenor, and information don’t get influenced 2. When taking information from the sources, you should note them down as points using your own words. This falls within the old “take ideas, not content” advice. 3. Whenever taking information, you should note down the citation details of the sources. Then you should create and add the citations whenever adding the borrowed information. If you note down ideas, you will be able to expound on them without using the same words as the source. This will help you steer clear of plagiarism issues. 3. Keep the essay organized Proper content organization can do wonders for the quality of your essay. An organized essay can look better on the eyes and be generally more readable. Here is what you should do to make your essay organized: 1. Split up the contents using headings and sub-headings 2. Follow a proper progression for the headings, sub-headings and section-headings in the typical cascading format…something that goes like this a. Heading i. Sub-heading 1. Section heading 3. Use bullets to convey information in a more readable way. Things like steps for a process and multiple items are better off written in the form of lists rather than a paragraph. 4. Keep your wording clear Just as proper organization can help with the overall quality and readability of your essay, the same goes for the choice of words you use. Using needlessly difficult words isn’t recommended in any type of content, be it an essay or anything else. Oftentimes, using difficult words can also get you confused about what you want to write. For example, a person describing the inordinate craving for people to utilize recondite terminology with unprecedented fervor…may lose what they’re trying to say in the first place. Of course, other than this, the main benefit of using easy words is that the essay becomes more readable for the reader – who, in this case, can be the teacher or the instructor. To bring them together in the form of a list, here are some tips that you can follow to make your wording easy and simple. 1. Firstly, take care not to use any words that you may think are alien to normal conversation. 2. If the situation demands the use of a difficult word, be sure to address and explain it for the ease of your reader(s). 3. Once you are done writing the draft of your essay, you should give it a couple of thorough reads and re-reads. If you come across any difficult words that you may have used without realizing it, you can fix them then. Another good way to go about the last step there is to use a paraphrasing tool. In other words, if there are some difficult words in your essay and you can’t figure out how to make them more readable, you can try rephrasing those particular parts with the help of a paraphrasing tool. Should you choose a high-quality one, you will be able to get smart results without much need for editing, etc. 5. Find and remove plagiarism Another important thing that you have to do during the essay-writing process is find and remove plagiarism from the content. We don’t need to go on about the harms and consequences of plagiarism. Suffice it to understand that it is one of the worst things that can occur in your academic write-ups. They can get you a low grade, put you in trouble with your teachers and even get you in legal trouble if the offense is serious enough. As we’ve done above, let’s adumbrate the steps that you need to follow for this in points: 1. First, you need to find out the parts of your content that are plagiarized. This you have to do with the help of an online plagiarism checker. There are different plagiarism checkers that you can use; some of the popular ones of which include Copyscape and Check-Plagiarism. 2. Once you are done with the first step, i.e., plagiarism detection, the next thing that follows is the removal or fixing. You can eliminate plagiarism from your content in a few different ways. a. You can just excise the plagiarized parts and cut them out altogether b. If the plagiarism exists in just a few lines or just one of them, you can put it in quotes and make it look like you’ve taken it legally from a source 3. We mentioned paraphrasing above as a way to remedy bad readability. Incidentally, it is a good fix that you can use for plagiarism as well. In other words, you can paraphrase the content that you find to be plagiarized. After being paraphrased, the content will come back new and shining. Conclusion For the sake of brevity, we’re skipping some of the finer details. But we have outlined the main stuff, and you should be good as long as you follow them. Before we give this post the wrap, here are some other additional tips that you can follow to write a good essay. 1. Be sure to check for grammar and spelling errors before finalizing your essay 2. Be sure to add the citations and references properly (if needed) 3. Make sure there are no loose ends with the formatting, i.e., font size, margins, and the like 4. Add graphics and visuals where suitable i.e., for proof and illustration, etc.  

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28 Jan

Hindi Word Vocabulary

Today we bring some Hindi words which we use daily basis. To know the meaning of these Hindi words you can use in your vocabulary which will help in your communication. Please find Below the List of Hindi Words Meanings: Hindi Word English Word छिछोरा – Foppish गंवार – Rustic बातूनी – Chatty चिड़चिड़ा – Grumpy मंदबुद्धि – Moron गुमराह – Astray नाज़ुक – Brittle बचाना – Shun Hope you remember these words and help to speak in daily communication.

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23 Jan

Build Vocabulary – Tezpatrika

Today Words of the Day which will help you to build vocabulary and help you to use these words in your daily routine. You can get to know the meaning of the words and improve your communication by using these words. We believe that Learn and implement these words will help you to grow in life. Please find the words with Hindi Meanings as per Below: Ratify – प्रमाणित करना Raze – पूरी तरह नष्ट कर देना Mean – कमीना Mirth – आनन्द Gaunt – भूखा रहकर दुबला होना Frigid – बहुत ठंडा Docile – सीखने योग्य Coarse – मोटा We are bound to improve and provide better results for our users.

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23 Jan

English Vocabulary

We Bring List of words which will help to build your vocabulary and use in your daily routine. We appreciate to use these words in your daily life. Words with Hindi Meanings as per Below : Mumble – अस्पष्ट बोलना Soever – कोई भी Sombre – उदास Raspy – कर्कश Loiter – आवारा फिरना Perish – खत्म हो जाना Giggle – मंद मंद हँसना Spunk – आकर्षक पुरुष Folly – मूर्खता Coax – फुसलाना We are continue to improve and help you to improve vocabulary.

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03 Dec

Top 10 Words Meaning

Lets Learn few words with Hindi meaning for your exams and try to use in your daily routine. We are trying to help and provide guidance to know meaning and learn new words on daily basis to help and improve English Vocabulary. We are trying those students so that they feel comfortable using these words. Few Words with Hindi Meanings as per Below: 1) Turncoat (Noun) English Meaning – A Dishonest person who changes his/her opinion according to his/her interest. Hindi Meaning – दलबदलू , विश्वासघाती Synonyms – Defector, Betrayer, Deserter, Backslider Antonyms – Follower, Loyalist, Patriot, Companion 2) Paradox (Noun) English Meaning – A statement that contradicts itself. Hindi Meaning – विरोधाभासी Synonyms – Irony, Riddle, Dilemma, Contradiction Antonyms – Reality, Truth, Correction, Accuracy 3 ) Reckon (Verb) English Meaning – Judge to be probable. Hindi Meaning – अनुमान लगाना, आशा करना, समझना Synonyms – Estimate, Consider, Think, Suppose Antonyms – Devote, Neglect, Ponder, Abandon 4) Infallible (Adjective) English Meaning – Incapable of failure. Hindi Meaning – कभी गलती न करने वाला 5) Pivotal (Adjective) English Meaning – Being of crucial importance. Hindi Meaning – निर्णायक Synonyms – Important, Vital, Essential Antonyms – Negligible, Minor, Unimportant 6) Germane (Adjective) English Meaning – Relevant and appropriate. Hindi Meaning – संबन्धित Synonyms – Suitable, Proper, Relevant. Antonyms – Unsuitable, Improper, Irrelevant 7) Spurt (Verb) English Meaning – Sudden Burst. Hindi Meaning – Synonyms – Rush, Flood, Rush Antonyms – Drip, Slump, Trickle

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