- weeping beech
- weakness
- work_shy
- weak
- worrywart
- wet et
- worrier
- wrangle
- words
- waxwork
- william henry
- watershed
- webworm
- white globe lily
- white fairy lantern
- weapon of mass destruction
- water and land
- water bug
- water_proof
- water_milfoil family
- well_versed in the smritis
- worth weight in gold
- worth while
- worth every penny
- wasabi
- water horehound
- wild celery
- white snakeroot
- white thistle
- white rocket
- whispering bells
- willowherb
- white sanicle
- wood mint
- wild chervil
- waterleaf
- wild chamomile
- wild bergamot
- wintergreen
- winter aconite
- wild coffee
- wild liquorice
- winged pea
- winter heliotrope
- wild ginger
- wood sorrel
- wort
- wild senna
- white_faced hornet