- well loved
- western saxifrage
- well and truly
- witch_hazel family
- willow family
- weeping crying
- wet_bulb thermometer
- weakly interacting massive particle
- weak force
- wet fly
- words or wordings
- words to flow out
- weak interaction
- who has neglected his duty
- white false indigo
- water_plantain family
- william hazlitt
- william henry beveridge
- water avens
- water bottle
- water birch
- water boatman
- water crystallization
- water hole
- water horsetail
- wild cavy
- white slime mushroom
- white milkweed
- whitlow grass
- western prince's pine
- wickup
- white horehound
- white sandalwood paste
- watermelon begonia
- water lobelia
- winter savory
- wild water lemon
- white mullein
- whiteman's foot
- wild thyme
- winter purslane
- water chickweed
- wood avens
- wild pink
- wolffia columbiana
- wolffiella gladiata
- wine making
- winemaker
- window shop
- wont hurt