- voltage spike
- voltage gradient
- vesico_vaginal fascia
- very large scale integration
- venocapillary pressure
- vicenary
- vistula river
- visceroptosis
- vertebrosternal rib
- virgin islands national park
- vernier scale
- ventral horn
- ventral placentation
- volume of body
- v पट्टा
- v mode record
- Vice President of the United States
- vegetative neurosis
- vertebral fracture
- very fast_moving
- ventral fin
- vicarious menstruation
- vicarious responsibility
- virtual processing time
- virtual storage management
- vorticella
- vestibular crest
- vestibular dysfunction
- vertical ridging
- verrazano narrows
- vdrl antigen
- video streaming
- visceral pleura
- vertical combination
- vesalius
- virtual copy
- variable point
- ventricular extrasystole
- very few
- ventriculogram
- vincents infection
- venous hum
- virchows sentinel node
- video switcher
- vertical microinstruction
- vertical redundancy check
- vertical integration
- ventricular rhythm
- ventriculocisternostomy
- viral myocarditis