- van der waal's forces
- van der waals
- vanality
- validity
- valletta
- vallisneria spiralis
- valuable
- vancocin
- vancouver island
- vandalize
- vandyke brown
- vanellus
- vanern
- vanessa
- vanessa atalanta
- vanguard
- vanguards of conquest
- vanilla
- vanilla ice cream
- vanilla pudding
- vanilla bean
- vanillin
- vanity
- vanquish
- vantage point
- vanzetti
- vape
- vapidness
- vapidity
- vapor bath
- vapor density
- vapor lock
- vaporescent
- vaporable
- vapor trail
- vaporize
- vaporousness
- vapour lock
- vapourific
- vapourisable
- vapourised
- vapourish
- vapourized
- variegated
- variegated (used only in the compound
- variegatedness
- variegated horsetail
- variegation
- variety programme
- variety show