- thru
- the nature
- to go round non_stop
- to know no respite
- to be caused
- truxilline
- to get out of countenance
- to get one's goat
- to get out of bed on wrong side
- the wherewithal
- the ceremony of the bride's going to her husband's home after a post_marriage interval
- the ceremony of breaking the skull of a corpse before setting fire to the funeral pyre (a son or one of the nearest relatives performs the ceremony)
- to make occasional visits
- throw back on
- to go round again and again
- trouble shoot
- to cross_ examine
- to cross_question
- to dissolve
- to be dissolved
- to knock out one's arrogance
- to be involved in
- to tag
- to take (pain etc.) stoically
- to mix
- to suffer decadence or to waste away
- to languish
- to become lean and thin
- thaw_point
- thaw
- to cross over (a river or difficulty etc.)
- to get rid of some dilemma
- to cross the limit
- to secure or obtain the first position
- to salute humbly
- to salvage somebody from the jaws of death
- to pass beyond the time (of menstruation)
- to (cause to) decay
- to overstock
- thats about it
- thats about the size of it
- to stoop too low
- to deteriorate
- to bandy one's name about
- to bamboozle
- to cease to have social intercourse
- to impart lessons in trickery
- to discourage
- to discriminate between good and bad
- to force