- the wood apple— feronia elephantum
- the fruit of the prickly plant vangeoria spinosa
- tridiagonal matrix
- the will of god
- the fire of passion
- the flowery arrows of cupid
- the tenth month of the hindu (lunar) calendar
- the eighth lunar asterism
- the western mountain (behind which the sun is supposed to set)
- the malay mountain
- the part of western ghats lying south of mysore and east of travancore
- the mythological mountain of gold
- the end of winter
- the spring season
- the second month of the year according to the hindu calendar
- the second month of the hindu calendar
- to carry towards
- to bring closer
- to have an ill foreboding
- throbbed
- throbbing
- to be in blue funk
- to be struck all of a heap
- to be in a panic
- to be struck with panic
- to be stunned still
- to stand a blow
- trust in or allegiance to (as
- trunk bridge
- the heart to palpitate (through anxiety fear
- the last issue (of a paper magazine
- to exploit (a person)
- to crush (as sugar_ cane linseed
- to excel
- to be ahead of
- to surpass (in cleverness tricks
- to grind the teeth (through cold wrath
- the sale deed of a plot of land farm
- to be overwhelmed by melancholia
- to give a wide publicity to a matter (for slander defamation
- to burn with a red hot flame
- to be very hot
- to be jealous (of somebody's prosperity progress
- to create a fuss
- to speculate
- to spell
- to go away
- the lesser of two evils
- to be kicked about
- to be killed