- tallahassee
- to shout forth angrily
- to cause a row to be constituted
- tel aviv_yalo
- thomas carlyle
- thioglycollic acid
- thioindigos
- to gain smattering knowledge
- thermal diffusion
- thermal death rate
- to break one's back
- to fall into one's trap
- to love with (one's) heart and soul
- text section
- taskent
- to try to know the reality the secret
- to make a plaything of
- tricolour tube
- the stitched hollow strip in the upper part of trousers etc. wherein a cord is passed for binding round the waist
- trojan war
- telencephalic basal nucleus
- the university
- the grip to be tight(ened)
- to be busy as a bee
- tower of london
- the animate world
- to clear (as
- to know the minutest details
- the water_filled pitcher placed in front of the deity on auspicious occasions
- the pot calling the kettle back
- trigonium collaterale
- telepathic
- the world of angels (according to islam)
- the remarks column
- to cut off from the context and misrepresent
- tessera
- till the end of life
- to the detriment of
- to cut into pieces
- to practise self_denial
- to hold firmly
- to maintain complete composure
- tractus solitarious
- the business to be slackened
- tel aviv_jaffa
- to have a wretched lot
- tea casy
- toxic delirium
- to drive (as
- tojo eiki