- three point gait
- three dimentional
- three handkerchief method
- to appear non_plussed
- to have a sinister appearance
- trochlear notch
- the police (man)
- the boy of the moment
- to the limit
- tonic spasm
- tendocalcaneus
- tendon sheath
- transilluminator
- to burn completely
- the basic statement or confession of mohammedan faith
- the celebrated peacock throne of the indian
- trichloroacetic acid
- trans fatty acid
- toluene_p_ sulphonsodiochloroamide
- thioglycollate medium
- training table
- tissue reaction
- the triple jump
- to start panting
- to counter as
- temporopontine
- to titubate
- to ascend the throne
- to strike with a shoe
- the moghul dynasty
- to be ruined or destroyed
- to eradicate the entity of
- to become dusk
- to become deaf
- thrombogenesis
- thats just about all
- thats just about it
- teletext
- thermal vacuum gauge
- thermoelectrical
- thermoelectric
- thermophilic digestion
- thermodilution curve
- thermoinactivation
- troy pound
- tierra del fuego
- thermoperiodicity
- to nip in the bud
- to litigate
- to be maker of the destiny (of)