- Tangier peavine
- Tangier pea
- tradescant's aster
- tortoiseshell butterfly
- tortricid moth
- tortoiseshell turtle
- tufted vetch
- Tringa totanus
- Tringa nebularia
- true laurel
- Toxicodendron vernix
- Toxicodendron radicans
- Toxicodendron diversilobum
- teaberry
- torreya taxifolia
- trichostema lanceolatum
- trichostema dichotomum
- titi monkey
- Trichomanes
- Thelypteris
- Tectaria
- Todea
- thalassaemia
- thalassemia
- thyromegaly
- true senna
- throw weight about
- to cause to be seated
- to seat
- to allow to be plundered
- to destruct
- to destroy perish
- to mar
- to deform
- to raze
- to annihilate
- to squander (as
- to set afloat
- to cause to flow
- to see off
- to instal
- to readjust
- to cause to crash down
- to keep (a woman) as mistress
- to request to take a seat
- Taxodium mucronatum
- tiger cowrie
- topognosis
- topognosia
- tegument