- thomas a becket
- tangelo tree
- Tatahumara
- the fifth note of indian musical scale
- team
- tomato juice
- to abandon
- track and field
- team sport
- tightrope walking
- to celebrate a holiday
- Telanthera
- Trichostigma
- tithonia
- tidy tips
- toadflax
- Tellima affinis
- toxoplasmosis
- tapeworm infection
- throat infection
- trade protection
- toxin antitoxin
- tooth doctor
- trembles
- Texas fever
- triode
- tetrode
- tenth cranial nerve
- tereshkova
- thomomys bottae
- tape grass
- time value
- the street
- toilet table
- throat sweetbread
- tensor
- tunga penetrans
- totten trust
- totterer
- tup
- thick_knee
- trumpet_wood
- trumpeter swan
- thighbone
- thigh slapper
- tonoscope
- thin on the ground
- tucket
- twaddler
- toaster oven