- thigh_slapper
- three kings' day
- twelfth day
- two_faced
- tokyo
- tokio
- to a t
- through
- to (so and so)
- to be charged with
- trichloride
- tibetan mastiff
- thai
- transvaal daisy
- transversally
- toona calantas
- tragulus kanchil
- terra alba
- tamara karsavina
- tenge
- tiyin
- tannic acid
- tannin
- thermistor
- thermal resistor
- Tanoan language
- Tupi_Guarani
- Tupi_Guarani language
- tlc
- tmv
- toast
- thieve
- toothed spurge
- tramp's spurge
- Tolectin
- Torodal
- Toradol
- tolmetin sodium
- Trusteeship Council
- tank shell
- the cremation ground
- triphosphopyridine nucleotide
- timolol
- Tenormin
- Tolypeutes
- Trichechus
- Tayassu
- Taurotragus
- Trichosurus
- Thylacinus