- taricha torosa
- trichostema lanatum
- titi family
- true seal
- tympanoplasty
- transplantation
- tracheostomy
- trephination
- transsexual surgery
- the best
- top drawer
- top ranking
- tops
- to press
- to press down
- to suppress
- to cow down
- to subdue
- to cause to yield
- to cool down
- to coerce
- to hush up
- to strike gently with the palm
- to keep on reminding
- touching the feet of somebody out of reverence
- taos
- tap dance
- tap house
- Tera
- teetertotter
- teeter_totter
- telecom system
- telex
- telefax
- tinned meat
- transmission
- Terramycin
- tyrocidin
- tobramycin
- tyrothricin
- tyrocidine
- Taraktogenos
- Thysanocarpus
- Thlaspi
- Tarrietia
- Triplochiton
- Terrietia
- Thespesia
- Tilia
- Tamarix