- to be honey_tongued
- to exercise restraint
- to confiscate
- triumphant
- the manner or life of a
- to pronounce a snap
- triumph
- to (come out with an order
- the legendary hero of the love_lore of shi:rī: farha:d
- to abscond
- to run away from the arm of law
- to ease oneself
- to discharge faeces
- true vocal fold
- truelove
- type AB
- transuranic element
- transactinide
- tellurium
- Te
- trace element
- type species
- typed
- they themselves
- thiamine pyrophosphate
- temptress
- tart
- two dollar bill
- ThB
- thorium
- Tb
- Tc
- Th
- Tm
- Ti
- Tl
- tin
- thulium
- technetium
- titanium
- thallium
- terbium
- tut
- tut_tut
- troat
- trumpet
- tsk
- tell
- thoroughgoing
- telephone circuit