- tragic
- toothpick
- to be wonder_struck
- tumultuous assembly
- to step into the (wrestling) arena
- to participate in a wrestling bout
- tumultuous elements to assemble
- to win a wrestling bout
- turbulent
- tumult
- tumultuous quarrel
- too good to miss
- to be fastened
- to be bound
- to be restricted
- to be tied
- to render into wearying details
- to make a total error
- tare
- to enter into
- to sink: to penetrate into
- to get stuck into
- to descend
- to thrust
- to cause to enter
- to penetrate
- to countersink
- to get busy
- to get down to work
- to stand aghast
- the heart to throb violently (through fear panic
- throb
- to be stunned
- to be paralysed (through fear or astonishment)
- trap
- to be entrapped
- to be emboroiled
- to be caught in a trick
- timidity
- tie up
- tooth
- to trap
- to ravel
- to snare
- to involve
- to trammel
- to noose
- to implicate
- to entangle
- to bait