- sendero luminoso
- sugarloaf
- self_aggrandizement
- strongly connected
- strongly
- scleral section
- scleral ring
- sceritis
- surgical trauma
- surgical catgut
- surgical suture
- sweet_spoken as a cuckoo
- surgical wadding
- syncytial virus
- semi_weekly
- serious_minded
- speed_reading
- supramedial
- self cont adictory
- self_manifesting
- styx
- skene arch
- skeen arch
- secularism
- six tailed bandage
- sixth month of hindu calendar
- sixth baron byron of rochdale
- sixth
- sixth crusade
- six nations
- slim
- scoop out
- scooped out profile
- slit skin smear
- slit lamp
- scotochromogen
- successor of a family
- snake_bite convulsions
- stonelike
- support level
- sustentaculum tali
- shift down modem
- subpart
- sash weight
- strictly speaking
- smoothen
- smoothed data
- sub editor
- sub aqua
- sub plot