- solferino
- shoreward
- suspending agent
- single_horned (bull cow
- shock absorption
- swiftlet
- stockholder
- sputum positive case
- synonym finder
- splitworm
- splotch
- splotched
- speckless
- spotweld
- snowblower
- snow blind
- snow goose
- soundproof
- suggested meaning
- self conceited
- subscriber
- sash lock
- sash fastener
- strangling
- see mischief monger
- snapshot program
- shyly
- shake hands
- snarl_up
- snafu
- snap line
- spear up
- silkworm
- send sb off
- self_incrimination
- self_abnegation
- sinister alliance
- stipulation
- smooth the way
- sporadically
- snaffle bit
- spear
- stroke (of misfortune etc.)
- self_renunciation
- syllogism
- systematizing
- spirit of renunciation
- shad roe
- stipulative
- smooth the path