- something given in trust
- solvent crystallization
- sex_stimulation
- salvaged and scrap
- sinciput
- short bone
- snuggling
- snogging
- solar
- side_glance
- side_look
- sub_branch
- sciophytes
- subsidiary branch
- sensorineural hearing loss
- signet ring
- stint
- scrimp
- stretch the rules
- stretch stimulus
- scored card
- score through
- statistician
- score draw
- stamped adressed envelops
- sprouting from beneath the ground
- stone finger ring
- sprawled
- sprawl
- slag
- son's daughter
- step_mother
- sheila
- seared
- son et lumiere
- son
- son et luineire
- sixty_three
- stupidly letter_bound
- slap down
- set apart from
- suddenly
- sudden trail of brilliant light
- statistical
- statis purpura
- staton clock
- spurious correlation
- sixty_five
- sixty_one
- seventy_five