- siegfried line
- sodium arsenate
- sodiummetabisulphite
- sodiumradio_iodide
- sodium_containing infusion
- sodiumstibogluconate
- sodiumedetate
- sodiumsulphite
- source data card
- spiral tubule
- spider's web
- symbol of an indian woman's happy state of enjoying coverture (husband's protection)
- serial_by_bit
- simplex communication
- seen through one's own eyes
- socio_economic
- sub_mandibular triad
- something to become a part of one's nature
- saying 'hello' in response to greetings
- sound of a bird's wings in flight
- sparing somebody's life
- syphilitic meningomyelitis
- sequential file organization
- sequential experiment
- spontaneous sensation
- sub_ungual wart
- signal regeneration
- single vertical key
- simple vulvitis
- self_restoring loop
- system theory
- standard water load test
- slow_sand filter
- shocker
- so one's dreams
- selective ringing
- system resource
- system response
- system resource manager
- system restart
- system response field
- system shutdown
- system slow down
- system table
- system terminal
- system testing
- system task
- slow_reacting substance
- slow_release fertilizer
- sequential file