- sierra madre oriental
- stropharia hornemannii
- straight_backed
- self_incompatibility
- steroscopy
- somme
- site_specific nutrient management
- sign position
- standard air washer
- suboccipital nerve
- systolic liver pulse
- systolic overloading
- serial_parallel
- space telecasting
- superfund
- secondary sexual characteristic
- secondary sex characteristic
- sclerus
- sesotho
- sputum nummular
- suprascapular vein
- suprasellar cyst
- supradiaphragmatic partial oesophagectomy
- supracondylar
- square yard
- something to be going on with
- spacefaring
- signal element
- short shrift
- start of format control
- spindle_shanked
- socratic
- secondary console
- secondary emission
- secondary cicatrical alopecia
- stack pointer
- secondary sterility
- single dose container
- signal transformation
- subscription right
- set teeth an edge
- sigrid undset
- somnambulistic
- string constant
- simoniz
- simone weil
- self starter
- sell down the river
- slantingly
- steam sterilization