- spanish paprika
- strong_scented
- slivery
- sabinol
- scytho_aryan people
- sprengel tube
- south atlantic
- smoked
- sand filter
- supervised
- stage of resistance
- standing height
- situs inversus
- sagittal sulcus
- side lobe
- serologist
- sea of azoff
- sea feather
- saturating current
- syndactyle
- spinobulbar tract
- spinocerebeller_dorsal tract
- schistosomal cirrhosis
- spermatozoid
- seward's folly
- suicide squeeze
- sigmoidal
- synchronous data link
- synchronous computer
- samuel gompers
- splenomegaly
- sir frederick gowland hopkins
- sulfurette
- sulphur_yellow
- schoenocaulon officinale
- sexual transduction
- somatic nerve
- slipknot
- subclass phytomastigina
- single set up
- sinai desert
- sinai peninsula
- specific hyperimmune human globulin
- song of songs
- shifting dullness
- snapping scapula
- stereoscopic cine angiocardiography
- stereoanesthesia
- stereometric method
- stereo formula