- schnapps
- schnaps
- spirits of ammonia
- sonny
- southernwood
- Seriphidium maritimum
- sweet wormwood
- sea wormwood
- spanish people
- spanish cherry
- soup ladle
- side chapel
- streetwise
- slender knapweed
- subcontinent
- steady growth
- sinistral
- status epilepticus
- screw eye
- straggling
- sailor's_choice
- sparge pipe
- squirreltail barley
- slant_eye
- stumbling
- strongest
- strong_smelling
- shote
- swings and roundabouts
- sucking pig
- silver protein
- splintery
- sandarac resin
- sandalled
- short horned grasshopper
- saqqara
- saprozoic
- sir henry maxmilian beerbohm
- sir henry bessemer
- spittle insect
- spittlebug
- sherlock holmes
- spruce gall aphid
- spanish fly
- speckled alder
- seaside alder
- sesbania exaltata
- sweet acacia
- sweet wattle
- shittah tree