- sun plant
- sweet and small round balls of sugar containing cardamom_seeds within
- sandwort
- sandy
- stokowski
- schizoniticide
- schizo_affective psychosis
- scabies incognito
- sea poker
- streptobacilius
- streptococcal deoxyribonnuclease
- sporophore
- stamen
- sorus
- superimposed (current)
- streptococcal pharyngitis
- supramaximal stimulus
- sore throat
- septic shock
- supragranular grey layer
- schistosome dermatitis
- scabicide
- stygian
- sapremia
- streptococcus sanguis
- sepoy mutiny
- sealing coat
- sensitising
- sensitiser
- sensitization
- sensitizing
- sensitizer
- sensitisation
- silicosis
- siderosis
- spatulate hand
- sweating sickness
- std
- secondary tillage
- secondary store
- small cottage
- swinging
- shillyshally
- shiloh
- suction curette
- sessile
- sessile antibody
- stalkless
- sputum smear
- sundried