- spartina cynosuroides
- spirodela polyrrhiza
- Sparaxis
- scaphopoda
- Strekelia
- sporobolus cryptandrus
- stenotaphrum secundatum
- synizesis
- schizachyrium scoparium
- scipio the elder
- sartorial
- salt marsh mallow
- sellar tumour
- selling agent
- seller's market
- schlock
- silverworker
- silver_worker
- stationary wave
- shlock
- shop boy
- shop clerk
- sheltered workshop
- slopseller shop
- sugar_coated
- sugarcan
- Sesamum
- Sequoiadendron
- Symphytum
- suicide bomber
- software emulation
- software engineering
- statutory offence
- statutory offense
- smoked herring
- schenectady
- straight and narrow
- sawm
- shahadah
- staurikosaurus
- staurikosaur
- subfamily Pythoninae
- Scincidae
- spermatocele
- swelling (of a river etc.)
- swelling factor
- synezesis
- senescence
- synapsis
- simple primary amentia