- scilla
- Solomon's_seal
- scotch and soda
- solanum dulcamara
- sophocles
- star divination
- semisweet
- superior vocal cord
- slanginess
- sisal family
- soluble sodium percentage
- sensitivity test
- sickleweed golden aster
- state of being spoilt
- stalker
- snarer
- short_toed eagle
- sparrow unit
- springtime
- spring cankerworm
- spring equinox
- strip lighting
- shintoist
- shintoistic
- shintoism
- shamanism
- Sikhism
- staunchness
- shamming
- shamisen
- scene_stealer
- saran
- sodium cromoglycate
- sodium chlorate
- serous
- supernatant
- soft_shoe
- soft_shoe dancing
- seaweed
- seaward
- sea squab
- smallmouth bass
- sailfish
- springbuck
- springboard
- spotted hyena
- sand dollar
- sand dab
- sedative enema
- sulfonylurea