- Sambucus caerulea
- sweet elder
- Sambucus nigra
- squaw man
- salvia spathacea
- speech organ
- summer tanager
- scotch fir
- shad_flower
- sansevieria guineensis
- symphyla
- spice cake
- stinking cedar
- screwbean
- screwbean mesquite
- sow the wind and reap the whirlwind
- sweet birch
- Strophanthus kombe
- strophanthus nicholsoni
- strophanthus courmontii
- strophanthus gratus
- strophanthus hispidus
- Siberian pea tree
- swamp candleberry
- silver_white
- sand cat
- solapsone
- stephanus johannes paulus kruger
- stingily
- silk oak
- swamp azalea
- swamp honeysuckle
- sand martin
- solanum rostratum
- smooth darling pea
- Swainsona galegifolia
- scheiblers reagent
- sweet pickle
- Sorbus torminalis
- serviceability
- sorbus domestica
- Stizolobium deeringiana
- sorb apple tree
- sea hare
- sr.
- sunda islands
- shore pine
- Swiss mountain pine
- scrub pine
- Scotch pine