- slave ant
- slave tube
- set not much store by
- set afire
- set aflame
- strip mall
- shopping cart
- shopsoiled
- social activity
- ship's papers
- stem turn
- steady_going
- set the seal on
- second_guess
- self_employed person
- self_governing
- satellite receiver
- sendee
- skimpy
- subordinate clause
- sleep with
- stand aside
- superior skill
- station house
- service station
- sunup
- slippery dick
- strong interaction
- strike breaker
- steady_state distribution
- spadefoot
- sheep frog
- South American bullfrog
- steak and kidney pie
- South American poison toad
- spadefoot toad
- Shah of Iran
- sovereign remedy
- sovereign rule
- sovereign contempt
- superpower
- self_annihilation
- spik
- simarouba amara
- showerhead
- sudanese pound
- syrian pound
- sucker punch
- Sunday punch
- search key