- sandwich between
- sandwich board
- sandwich
- sandwich compound
- sweet_potato whitefly
- superbly
- superbug
- softener
- soil conditioner
- spirituous
- serrated wrack
- separate out
- schizophyta
- streptomyces scabies
- slow virus
- sports medicine
- sociobiologist
- squally
- squalling
- snappish
- speculative
- sorrows and sufferings
- sorry
- sei whale
- sulfur bottom
- spinel ruby
- sandbagger
- scammer
- satan
- self_disgust
- self_hatred
- shame
- strike hard
- scalawag
- scalariform
- snake river
- snake
- slave trader
- snake mackerel
- slave dealer
- scallywag
- scally
- seductress
- seducer
- straight shooter
- straight arrow
- spleen
- short subject
- Savara
- skull and crossbones