- sandor kellner
- step_down transformer
- step_by_step
- spencer tracy
- spend the night together
- spend the night with
- spare time
- semi_detached house
- summer_blooming
- summerise
- sportswoman
- sport jacket
- sport coat
- Spinacia
- Scleranthus
- Sarcobatus
- Schlumbergera
- Spergula
- Saponaria
- Spraguea
- Salsola
- Spergularia
- Selenicereus
- saponaria officinalis
- stokes' aster
- star of the veldt
- silene
- Senecio cruentus
- sowbread
- spring beauty
- soapwort
- spathe flower
- sun marigold
- Sparaxis tricolor
- spathiphyllum
- sweet alyssum
- Stokesia laevis
- schizopetalon
- schizanthus
- Schizopetalon walkeri
- Swan River daisy
- scabiosa
- sea poppy
- streptocarpus
- sweet alison
- superinfection
- streptococcal sore throat
- septic sore throat
- suprainfection
- staphylococcal infection