- salmonella typhimurium
- salonica
- salonika
- saloon bar
- saloon keeper
- salpinctes obsoletus
- salp
- salpidae
- salpa
- sugar syrup
- selsyn
- synchro
- solar thermal system
- synchromesh
- shipboard system
- scaffolding
- sound system
- sprinkler system
- supervisor call instruction
- standard of measurement
- superpatriotic
- source of illumination
- sun_ray
- sea_lettuce family
- snake palm
- smooth_leaved elm
- siberian elm
- september elm
- slippery elm
- savourlessness
- savorlessness
- shamelessly
- shameless
- serene
- service routine
- subprogram
- Shoshonean language
- Shoshonean
- Shoshonian language
- Shoshonian
- social reformer
- suspiration
- speech production
- squad
- sign of the cross
- sidereal time
- succus
- space probe
- State Department