- sacrificer
- sunderland
- sunday week
- schonberg
- school child
- shore leave
- saturday week
- sword and scimitar
- structural steel
- steel arch bridge
- soft_cast steel
- scroll saw
- Smiledon californicus
- saw down
- saw up
- soledad pine
- sucrase
- simple sugar
- sagamore
- supreme allied commander europe
- saxony
- sacque
- supreme allied commander atlantic
- spinal nerve
- saphar
- sfax
- strongbox
- service book
- Synoptic Gospels
- Synoptics
- suicide mission
- spinal anesthesia
- saddlebow
- spinal anaesthesia
- secretary bird
- silver tree fern
- sugar palm
- shahaptian
- sidon
- sayda
- sloop
- square_rigger
- schooner
- ship of the line
- saint vincent and the grenadines
- saint_mihiel
- saint_john's_bread
- saipan
- saintliness
- saint_saens