- scombroid fish
- South American Indian
- stabbing
- sharp_sighted
- sharp_eyed
- suffice
- stand sentinel
- stay away
- South_Central Dravidian
- simon kuznets
- state of kuwait
- shielder
- second earl of guilford
- silicon chip
- semiconductor diode
- semiconducting material
- semiconductive
- Siouan language
- Shoshoni
- Salish
- Shoshone
- sannup
- starches
- salt rising bread
- simnel
- sour bread
- sourdough bread
- staffa
- shake up
- shoe collar
- satrap
- sun spurge
- snow_on_the_mountain
- scarlet plume
- snow_in_summer
- spur track
- secretory organ
- secreter
- salivary gland
- seminal vesicle
- salicylate
- sulindac
- soviet
- Sanhedrin
- seashell
- shotgun shell
- shrapnel
- shelfy
- shield
- shell suit