- stomatopyrosis
- schick control
- slush mould
- statutory provision
- second nature
- superaurale
- supra auricular point
- sink or swim
- stacked job
- suprachoroidal space
- squad car
- scotopic vision
- stural model
- spicery
- subthalamonigral tract
- soap flakes
- supportive care
- stillbirth rate
- send in
- stubbly
- stubbled
- store brand
- sounding line
- sex psychology
- sexual inhibition
- street cred
- street credibility
- self centred
- soliloquy
- snared
- squelchy
- shutout
- sociopath
- salks vaccine
- squanderer
- sclerosis of trabecula
- sister chromatid
- spasmodic rigidity
- second advent
- second coming
- second coming of christ
- suppresser gene
- suppressor gene
- soft diet
- sedgy
- sdlp
- sardonic
- semicomatose
- sales rep
- sales representative