- sentimentalist
- spontaneous pneumothorax
- suprameatal
- santalum album
- spotlessly white
- scotland yard
- skilled manipulator having the requisites of a gifted detective
- submarine fire
- shelving
- subcutaneous implantation
- starch_saccharifying activity
- support through argumentation
- saponified
- sofa bed
- still more
- so much the better
- starchiodide paper
- stargardts disease
- starch tolerance test
- sweet_smelling
- supermarket
- stem vowel
- soft shoulder
- semi_thue system
- sero_fibrinous
- serosanguineous
- seropurulent
- see to it that
- stay as a guest (at a relative's house)
- sprightliness
- speak of the devil
- suffering from constipation
- self effacing
- swollen_headedness
- soft heart sound
- slimness
- syntactic monoiod
- syntax directed compiler
- syntax analyzer
- syntax checker
- strain at
- slab and muller
- stratosphere
- sphincter urethrae
- scream blue murder
- soap and water enema
- sunscreen product
- sal volatile
- submucosa
- sexy lady