- saprophagus
- smelter
- smeltery
- sissiness
- standing ovation
- salvation army
- stepson
- step_son
- step son
- step child
- stepchild
- stamen (of flowers)
- seminal duct
- schiotz tonometer
- shadow of a trees
- surgical spirit
- substation
- seagoing
- steno
- step out
- sex object
- suffuse
- somatopsychic
- stark staring mad
- scorching heat
- staphyloptosis
- shaken
- strike a pose
- splodgy
- stryker frame
- shadowed
- schilieren pattern
- supravaginal cervix
- speed trap
- stakeout
- symbolizer
- symboliser
- shielding material
- seasickness
- slot into place
- salt mine
- splash across
- social evils
- subthalamic nucleus
- show willing
- some intoxicating drink
- see through coloured glasses and all you see will be coloured
- seat of justice
- sex appeal
- sexually transmitted disease