- standard product term
- sclerocorneal
- septate vagina
- slumbrous
- slumdog
- stapedial artery
- steuben
- slim down
- suffrage
- sayers assay
- see also
- skull vault
- styrofoam
- sucrates
- spiting
- shogaol
- spurious testimony
- safety interlock
- slack off
- slot machine
- squeaky clean
- spick and span
- supplicate
- secret door_way
- secret ballot
- stand a chance
- small jug
- silver plate
- slipover
- semi_mongoloid
- succession of arrows
- sinistrin
- smoked glass
- starry
- simscript
- songbird
- sequence checking routine
- sequence check
- sequence computer
- sequence control register
- symbolism
- symbol rank
- stomach pump
- stunt pilot
- sportcast
- spy out the land
- systemic_pulmonary artery shunt
- salpinx
- stomach splashing
- sousaphone