- stake out
- scorcher
- summery
- scenenario
- scenario
- stunning
- stupendous
- surprising
- short_tempered
- stabiliser
- stick by
- sticking point
- supine position
- set aside
- summation of stimuli
- stapes
- stirrup iron
- screened
- suns heat
- sun screen
- strengthened
- spinning wheel
- smilodectes
- smoke_coloured
- sialography
- syphilitic optic atrophy
- surface of the earth
- signature tune
- subject matter
- self willed
- sixpenny
- second rate
- stopgap
- sands
- stationary
- sapless
- stilted
- small beer
- seven_coloured
- sample material
- subsartorial
- sea lord
- sarcasm
- subjugation of passions
- siamese twin
- seeland
- smallest fraction of time in indian system
- supports
- sustentacular
- seer born in a kshatriya family