- somber
- sombre
- spica of shoulder
- supremacy
- sceptre
- seigniorage
- social order
- smoothly
- summoning and worshipping the god of fire (in order to commence a religious function)
- sampling technique
- social welfare
- solar system
- social service
- social work
- social sevice
- subrogation
- sectarial
- shiite
- secretary (of an organisation etc.)
- supplies
- substratum
- school master
- skull
- skipping
- superintending
- sea
- spicule
- solution (of a problem etc.)
- shake down
- sewer
- stink out
- silt up
- spring on
- spinal column
- serve up
- suspension
- settle on
- singularity
- salience
- stabber
- splayfooted
- summertime
- specimen
- skill or skilful manipulation
- scape
- syphilis
- scenery
- spectacle
- strange
- sharp edge