- scheldt
- sphaerocarpaceae
- sphaero_conical
- stropharia ambigua
- saccharomyces carlsbergensis
- saccharolytic organism
- saccharomyces monocensis
- syngenic graft
- scybalous stool
- scylla
- soft sector
- San Jose scale
- sardegna
- selene
- sphyrion height
- scorpaena grandicornis
- scleromalacia perforans
- stenotic
- solea lascaris
- sardinian
- sticky geranium
- slow and mild breeze
- second law of motion
- schneiderian membrane
- schnitzel
- scallion
- smeared with varnish or oil
- stodgily
- stud farm
- soweto
- spiral ratchet screwdriver
- small field
- serum albimin
- serum base vaccine
- serum albumin infusion
- serum concentration
- serum rash
- semi_skimmed milk
- sour milk
- sioux falls
- silkgrass
- silk grass
- saluting respectfully
- shari river
- second law of thermodynamics
- stevens_johnson syndrome
- seattle slew
- sambre
- seasonable
- steinberg