- outbid
- one's own
- open secret
- originalism
- one_way street
- original sin
- operationalism
- out_tray
- olduvai gorge
- outaouais
- old squaw
- osteopath
- osteopathist
- old guard
- optometrist
- osteologer
- osteologist
- oil painting
- owner_driver
- orchid tree
- orinotherapy
- Oriolus oriolus
- orchid family
- Opuntia lindheimeri
- osseous
- Ornithorhynchidae
- Orycteropodidae
- Otariidae
- Ormosia
- Ononis
- Onobrychis
- ophidism
- ozone sickness
- overheating
- old man of the mountain
- os sphenoidale
- os temporale
- oliver stone
- onyx marble
- os longum
- ovalocyte
- oregon maple
- outer verandah in a house
- oleander
- oriental poppy
- opium poppy
- Ophioglossum
- Onoclea
- Oreopteris
- Oleandra