- milano
- maleficent
- man_hole chamber
- meat_seller
- may just as well
- member of a sangh
- mud slingering
- molech
- motor end plate response
- milk chocolate
- melanesia
- moreton bay
- mona monkey
- moralist
- municipal government
- motorcycle
- mysophobia
- marfan syndrome
- malignant hypertensive n.
- malignant lesion
- make capital of
- modulus (mathematics)
- metastable equilibrium
- multidimensional array
- mega_ohm
- machmeter
- mideast
- mess kit
- miscegenationist
- muesli
- morris dance
- moline
- major state
- minor structure
- mob_rule
- melkite
- melle process
- monitoring system
- monitoring of anaesthesia
- master piece
- master processor
- mediastinal aberrant goitre
- median ventral diverticulum
- medical bed
- myorrhaphy
- machine oriented language
- milne
- michels clip
- mamo
- magovern value