- malignant granuloma
- minormost key
- moppet
- moderationist
- middle_of_the_road
- middle paleolithic
- man of war
- maypole
- marchioness
- marchis method
- moviemaking
- matriarchate
- messrs
- matratonia
- miocene epoch
- mother's day
- man doth what he can and god what he will
- man equivalent
- michigan
- michigander
- malpighian corpuscle
- mashed potatoes
- mini bar
- miniscule
- minuscule
- minuscular
- mathematically
- metropolis
- miscreant
- minority group
- mountain chain
- mountain range
- ministry
- mishpocha
- mahesh
- mankind
- masses
- might
- momentum
- mobilisation
- mobilization
- mating
- municipality
- muncipality
- municipal committee
- minister of state
- midwife
- malignant
- management
- masse