- marrow space
- marrow
- maculoanaesthetic leprosy
- man friday
- mantis
- mexican_american
- marline
- midle finger
- marketing activities to be in full swing
- marketing activity to commence
- marketing centre
- Monsignor
- moselle
- moses
- mosey
- mink
- minestrone
- misshapenness
- missile
- milton friedman
- moor_bird
- match_up
- matched game
- mismatched
- mistletoe family
- mistle thrush
- mistletoe
- mobbish
- monotype
- myometritis
- myelitis
- metritis
- mastitis
- make mincemeat of
- make hard work of
- mastabah
- modified radical mastectomy
- motorman
- medium term storage device
- manipur
- medium wave (mw)
- manipulative treatment
- medium frequency wave
- medium crepitation
- musculoskeletal system
- musculotendinous
- motion_picture photography
- mobile multimedia application
- mobile radiography
- maltese cross