- mat
- mat up
- matt_up
- matte up
- matte
- mogul empire
- mohammad
- morello
- monkey about
- mousse
- mantle
- manila maguey
- man_made fiber
- metallic bond
- moirai
- moraine
- mopping
- mesmer
- meshuggeneh
- motivity
- motley fool
- miscellaneous
- mane
- mesh topology
- mesenteric vein
- marseilles
- marseillaise
- manufactured
- manufactory
- mass of dark clouds
- midden
- mangosteen tree
- mangosteen
- melissa officinalis
- myosotis sylvatica
- myxomycota
- maidenhair tree
- microfarad
- millifarad
- mileage
- margin of profit
- mechanical advantage
- meaning—'may you always enjoy the coverture of your husband'
- manger
- Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
- main office
- majestic
- Melastomataceae
- Mimosoideae