- long bone
- laminaria tent
- lobar pneumonia
- lumbar sympathetic block
- lissauers type
- look askance
- living substance
- leucoerythroblastic
- laminated drug
- lily white
- lignac_fanconi disease
- lemming
- lipiodol
- levo_rotation
- last name
- labile blood
- labile substance
- liquid measure
- lead line
- lamina cribrosa sclera
- last thing
- let the side down
- lozenge
- louping ill virus
- licentiate
- lumpy ointment
- land capability map
- latent nystagmus
- log in
- lipogranulomatosis
- living on others' earnings
- legalisation
- legalization
- lymphodermia
- length of tarsus
- liquid crystal display
- ludicrously
- laughably
- lethargic encephalitis
- load_test
- limiting amplifier
- lie low
- lay at door
- laevocardiogram
- ligulate
- lead collar
- lip profile
- lip gloss
- leg equalisation
- lower leg foot index