- lexington
- light colonel
- light compensation point
- leonid brezhnev
- lacrimale
- light time
- light_headedly
- longboat
- liturgics
- liturgiology
- loose pyjamas
- lincoln
- lincolnian
- loire river
- less
- lennon
- leucocytozoon
- leucine tolerance test
- lobito
- leary
- loewi
- leishmania
- luschkas crypt
- laparoscopic sterilization
- lepilemur
- Lepiota rhacodes
- Lepiota rubrotincta
- Lepiota naucina
- love_potion
- love_philtre
- love_philter
- lignin
- lilac_pink
- lead pencil
- leadless
- lento capillary point
- lento
- leiotrichous
- like the sound of
- lit. a crow would always be harsh_spoken—a harsh spoken man would always utter harsh words
- lohan
- locust pod
- lombardia
- leatherjack
- leatherjacket
- lemon_scented gum
- lily pad
- lactamlactim tautomerism
- labrale superius
- latimeria chalumnae