- loyal
- loya jirga
- loyal servant
- loyal to both
- loyal to the master
- loyal to the ruler
- lilac_blue
- lipoma
- l. m. montgomery
- leprosy colony
- l. ron hubbard
- lacto vegetarian
- ligne
- long measure
- langhans cell
- langley
- linear list
- linear microphone
- laureate
- lise meitner
- lantern_fly
- lanthanon element
- liquid oxygen
- light button
- light brown eye
- lymphocyte cytotoxixity test
- lymphocyte transformation
- lymph duct
- lytta
- leuco_agglutinin
- leuko_erythroblastosis
- leucocyte_destroying antibody
- lymphagoue
- lymphocytic meningitis
- lymph sac
- Loestrin
- lethal concentration
- lactogenesis
- low_level
- lero_morphic
- little giant
- librarian
- Lochaber ax
- looked around of
- labial hernia
- lully
- Lords Spiritual
- Lords Temporal
- liston
- lowercase