- light_heartedly
- louis the pious
- louis xiii
- louis the german
- linus carl pauling
- look best
- leaf testing
- lenten rose
- line number
- line loop
- light_armed
- lymphangioplasty
- lit. pebble and stone —i.e. trash
- long_stalked
- local format storage
- le chatelier_braun principle
- le chatelier
- local mode
- long iron
- line of battle
- lightning to strike
- lobster thermidor
- louis untermeyer
- loop reverse battery
- like lettuce
- like lip
- lateral cutanous nerve
- lange
- lateran
- lateral facial length
- local emphysema
- lit. mountain of light—world famous historical diamond which was cut into two
- lorentz
- loewe
- leishmania infantum
- lymphadenoma
- laurence sterne
- line of poetry
- line of verse
- lombardy
- leon
- louis le begue
- longus capitis
- law of conservation of mass
- laos
- lao people's democratic republic
- lena river
- lymphadenectomy
- lacrimal caruncle
- low speed