- kirghizstan
- kirgizstan
- kwangju
- kwannon
- kjeldahi flask
- kinetic reflex
- ketatinisation
- kasha
- kitchen island
- killing zone
- kissimmee river
- kidney_shaped
- king lear
- karyodesma
- kilimanjaro
- kwanzaa
- koilorachic
- king orange
- King Charles spaniel
- kingdom of tonga
- k'ung futzu
- keb
- kinaesthetic
- kinesthetically
- karl fischer method
- karyorrhexis
- kvass
- kimberley
- keratitis arborescens
- keratitis punctata
- keratitis marginalis profunda
- keratohyalin granule
- keratitis profunda
- keratectomy
- kerato_ectasia
- khimar
- keto_aldehydes
- Khedive
- kissing bug
- kingdom of swaziland
- kingdom of thailand
- kidney failure
- khuen
- khyber pass
- kippered salmon
- kingdom of saudi arabia
- kharkiv
- k_strophanthin β
- kjeldahization
- kings canyon national park