- karyogamy
- kristensons platelet method
- kimmelstiel_wilson lesion
- key to floppy
- kick up a row
- kick up a dust
- kick up a fuss
- kick up a shindy
- kick up a stink
- know own mind
- kola red
- kilohertz
- knowing the ways of the world
- know as well as do
- kinetic molecular theory
- kahn verification test
- knock spots off
- knock into a cocked hat
- knotty
- know_how
- king of elephant
- king of dance
- kitty
- kickoff
- Kendal
- knock off
- knowledge base
- knowledge domain
- kiss
- knead
- know
- knock back
- kit
- kettle of fish
- kindle
- knot
- khomeini
- kinfolk
- Kentucky bluegrass
- Kentucy blue grass
- Kentucky blue
- kingbird
- katharobe
- kindergartener
- kindergartner
- kidskin
- kyd
- kid glove
- kerosine
- kerosene